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The Irishman, a crime thriller film directed by Martin Scorsese, is streaming on Netflix on November 27. Martin Scorsese is an Italian American filmmaker and historian whose Hollywood career spans almost 50 years already.

It is an epic film adapted from a book written by Charles Brandt, Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Stephen Graham, Anna Paquin, and Joe Pesci. The screenplay was written by Steven Zaillian.

The movie is a complete package story of larceny, murder, and betrayal dating all the way back from the second World War. As expected, there is a lot of glorious bloodshed in this movie, as expected from almost all of Scorsese’s previous works.

Details and textures of an authentic epic crime story were creatively captured by Scorsese. If you’d like to understand how a chronic criminal mind works, then The Irishman is a must-watch for you. You’re in for a real blockbuster Netflix streaming.

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